(white) Awareness
is Revolutionary 3.0
Course Overview
Awareness is indeed revolutionary: hear from those who have been through this program.
When as Dharma practitioners we work together to explore our racial conditioning, it can deepen our practice and open new ways of connecting with ourselves and with others. With greater awareness and understanding, we co-create sanghas that have higher levels of racial fluency, cultural competency, and the ability to name and heal from harm caused by the racial construct.
This particular program is designed for people who present as white, and who seek to explore the work of undoing racism within a Buddhist framework. Does that word “white” make you cringe? We get it! We will unpack that together, along with how it might connect with other ways we have been conditioned, such as class, gender, sexuality and more.
Let’s move from horrified anxiety to compassion, and from fear to wise action.
We are in it together.
“We see the absence of people of color in predominantly white Buddhist circles. We hear the silence of those voices. What will it take for the individuals in those circles to seek an understanding of that absence, which comes from within?”
- bell hooks, Waking Up to Racism, 1994